Joseph McCloud (McLeod) was born on August 26, 1895, on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in Belcourt, North Dakota, USA, to Red River Metis parents, Magloire McLeod and Margaret "Waketakamakoquay" Lafournaise.
During the early years of World War I, despite being born in the United States, he enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force at Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Aug. 2, 1915. His first assignment was to the 90th Canadian Rifles. He was later assigned to the 11th Reserve Battalion, and the 8th Battalion of the Canadian Infantry.
Joseph was wounded in battle, June 16, 1916, and seriously wounded on July 26, 1916. In 1917 he was assigned to the 18th Reserve Battalion, Mounted Rifle Depot and the Canadian Forestry Corps.
Joseph achieved the grade of Lance Corporal, Nov. 8, 1917; Corporal, April 17, 1918; Sergeant, on April 4, 1919; and discharged from service in England, on July 15, 1919.
He died in North Dakota, on the Turtle Mountain Reservation, on Sept. 21, 1931.
Source Citation
Roster of the Men and Women who served in the Army or Naval Service (including the Marine Corps) of the United States or its Allies from the State of North Dakota in the World War, 1917-1918 Volume 3 Larkee to Rice.